Pet Sitter Assistant


Fee Schedule


Bluewave Professional Pet Sitter Fee Schedule
Chihuahua Edition(1-5 user licenses, see Note 11 below)
Cocker Spaniel Edition (6-9 user licenses)
Boxer Edition (10-19 user licenses)
Great Dane Edition (20+ user licenses)
Great Dane Plus Edition (30+ user licenses) starting at $249/month
Account Setup & Activation
$99/one time
Invoice / Report Personalization
Enhanced Privacy Option (SSL, 128 bit encryption)
PayPal Integration (permits pet owners to use PayPal)
Ecommerce Gateway Activation (
Pet Owner Access Component
Other options are available. Ask for details.
Initial training and orientation
(up to three hours the first 30 days)
Training (beyond initial staff orientation**)
Technical Support (for non-BPSA related issues)
Data Migration (generally complete in 1-2 hours)
Bluewave Professional Pet Sitter with web site hosting
add $20/month
POP3 Email (includes virus scan/web access)
add $5 /month
with SQL Server 2005 (10MB)
add $29/month
Business/Technical Consulting
Web Site development, Interactive forms, Flash, custom development
Example sites:  
Automatic Billing (MC, Visa, Amex, Discover)
Late Payment Fee
Returned Check Fee + bank charges

All prices in USD and subject to change. Updated:02/12/2009


  1. The account activation fee is imposed due to the complexities of providing a secure isolated environment for each pet sitters data.
  2. A staff person is any individual generating revenue or using the application.
  3. Data migration services are available. The client must supply current client information in electronic format. We will work with each client and provide additional "data scrubbing" where appropriate. Our goal is to get you successfully using the application as quickly as possible.
  4. Bluewave, Inc. and the client are required to sign a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Both parties agree not to discuss your implementation of the application, or any knowledge we have or obtain regarding the others business.
  5. Although your data is securely stored on our servers, it belongs to you. Administrative options are available to export the data to Microsoft Excel at any time. There service is provided at no charge.
  6. A recurring credit card charge will be set up for clients opting to pay month by month. If you are unable to set up a credit card charge, charges for service are billed in advance and due on the first of each month. This recurring charge can be terminated at any time by contacting us. Quarterly payment schedules are available.
  7. The application is written using advanced coding techniques that lend themselves to customization. Customization requests should be submitted in writing including sketches of screen layouts and reports.
  8. The application is delivered as-is. Charges for application customization are dependent on the scope of the change, the applicability of the change to the industry as a whole, and other terms agreed to. A estimate will be provided detailing the work to be completed and anticipated cost. Fifty percent of the estimate will be due at the beginning of the project and the remaining balance due upon completion. Should the scope of the project change during the development process, the total cost estimate will be updated reflecting the change. Additional payments may be required to maintain the 50% prepay minimum.
  9. **Initial Staff Orientation is limited to a maximum of three hours of consultation delivered within the first 30 days of service. The preferred method of training is "train the trainer" where you identify two individuals on your staff who have the responsibility of becoming the "in house experts" and training the rest of the staff and any new sitters as they are brought on-board. Training in excess of this amount is billable to the client at the current training rate.
  10. The Bluewave Professional Pet Sitter Application is priced using a "Pet Sitter" pricing model where the price varies based on the number of staff accessing or being scheduled by the system. If you plan to offer non-pet sitting services or products you may be eligible for a different pricing model. Examples of other services include home and office cleaning services, pick-up and delivery services, landscaping, pet accessories (toys, collars, clothing, etc), pet food, treats, etc. We are eager to work with you and help you achieve your business' objectives.
  11. The Chihuahua Edition (1-5 user licenses) is limited to companies generating less than $7500 US (or equivalent foreign currency) per month.
  12. If you have questions or comments regarding our pricing policy, please contact us.